Worldwide Halachic Times according to our Sepharadic Tradition.

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About זמני יוסף

We are the platform to use whenever and wherever you'd need Halachic Times (Zemanim) according to Hakham Ovadia Yosef zt'l, following his practices represented in his Ohr Hachaim calendar from Eretz Yisrael. Outside Israel, our algorithm follow's the rules outlined by the Minḥat Kohen (as quoted by R David Yosef, approved by R Yitzḥak Yosef) to comply with the astronomical differences while sticking to seasonal minutes.

  • Available through apps, print-out calendars, digital exports, TV schedules for shuls & our website (you're on here right now)!
  • Expanded implementations possible through our open-source codebase. Implementations available in JavaScript, Java & Swift
  • Sugya descriptions for every time, with sources and possible trivia

Download the mobile apps

Need Zemanim on the go? Our apps are made for just that!

  • Siddur text tailored to the day
  • Customizable Notifications, to stay on top of Shema & co.
  • Visible Sunrise, with countdown
  • Home-Screen Widgets


Zemanim Images for the community

Own a community somewhere in the world and want to have Zemanim to send out weekly on social media? We will generate images for you weekly/before every YT to send out to the community at large!

  • Shabbat Zemanim Flyer: 10 USD
  • Yom Tov Zemanim Flyer: 25 USD

All generated by AK Graphics. Contact us for more information: +1 (917) 549-5138

Communities already partnered include:


Kehilat Avodat Hashem (R' Leeor Dahan) - Queens

והנני מביע הסכמתי השלימה ללוח הנזכר דכל מי שישתמש בו יהא בטוח בלבו שעושה כשורה וכהלכה וכל מן דין סמוכו לנאלהלכה ולמעשה.

Congregation Ohel Simcha (R' Meir Gavriel Elbaz) - Queens

...this app will certainly be an invaluable tool for Sepharadic Jews everywhere to perform Hashem's Mitzvot with alacrity and according to the rich traditions of their Poskim.

Edmond J. Safra Synagogue (R' Eli Mansour) - Brooklyn's called זמני יוסף, it's a very good app for those who want to follow חכם עובדיה...we use it in our Netz minyan.

Made by Elyahu Jacobi, Maor Na'im & co.